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4L Lodetti has been in the metallurgical industry since the early 70’s.
Today our company carries on the following activities:

Aluminum anodic oxidation, mainly on sheets and profile for building purposes

Coil and aluminum sheet supplying both for industrial and building purposes
Throughout the years our company made the decision of investing on the anodic field, modernizing its equipment at its best, especially as far as polished finishing, safety and environmental care are concerned.
Moreover, our company philosophy is deeply quality and customer care orientated, so that our service can be top rated in the field.
4L Lodetti is today the ideal partner for anodic oxidation.



4L Lodetti s.r.l.
Tel:. +39.091 - 6887129 - Fax:. 091- 6887130 - Mail: info@superox.it
P.IVA: 00123500829