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Anodic oxidation is an electrochemical irreversible process which covers the aluminium treated surface with a protective layer of aluminum oxide. It ensures an effective isolation against corrosion and wear by far better than any painting treatment. Indeed, It allows these products to be used in the nautical marine field.

Mechanical strength and stress resistance given by anodic oxidation can be also considered one of the highest and most remarkable qualities. This is one of the main reason for its wide use in the building industry where coloured tough surfaces are often required. Coloured aluminum is in fact abrasion proof cleaning wise, allowing a wide choice range in terms of shades, tones and hues for any purpose, still preserving resistance features of metal as well as exclusivity and beauty.

Always in line and up to date with a demanding market, our company features a wide variety of colourr obtained electrocolouring, ranging from copper to chocolate brown shades. All this is today possible thanks to electrocolouring, differently from the past where the absorbing colouring process was the only known and used technique.

Several the advantages: more light stability,a better penetration power and more uniformity than traditional colouring to mention the main ones.

Colours, shades and hues showed are purely demonstrative. A constant colour matching cannot be guaranteed when coming from different production lots (please check out UNI EN 12373-1 for further details). We will not take any complaints about either assembled, trimmed or processed materials. Clients must verify materials prior to working process.

QUALITA’ – quality standards


4L Lodetti s.r.l.
Tel:. +39.091 - 6887129 - Fax:. 091- 6887130 - Mail: info@superox.it
P.IVA: 00123500829